Parking Pass Personal InformationName(Required)Full name please.Department(Required)Where do you work at The Strath?Email(Required)How can we contact you? Enter Email Confirm Email Vehicle InformationVehicle Change(Required)Is your vehicle information the same as last year? Yes No Vehicle Amount(Required)How many parking passes do you need? (note that only one of your registered vehicles may use the lot at one time) One Car / Truck One Car / Truck + Motorcycle / Scooter Two Cars / Trucks Two Cars / Trucks + Motorcycle / Scooter Vehicle One(Required) Make Model Colour Licence Plate Vehicle Two(Required) Make Model Colour Licence Plate Motorcycle / Scooter(Required) Make Model Colour Licence Plate Terms & Conditions1. If any employee of the Strathcona Hotel deems that you should not be driving, you are authorizing us to incapacitate your vehicle with any means that we see fit (ie. vehicle immobilization devices. We will not be held liable for any damages that may occur with the use of said device). 2. Parking is available only when working or patronizing our premises, or in the case of item 4 below. 3. This pass is linked to your vehicle license plate number and is not transferable and as such cannot be used by any other party. 4. Use of the parking lot constitutes your agreement to follow the law regarding drinking and driving. If you have consumed beyond the legal limit of alcohol while visiting our premises you will not drive your vehicle. If you need assistance, please ask a staff member to call your choice of alternate transportation. You may leave your car in our lot overnight. 5. Do not leave your vehicle parked here while you are away (except in item 4 above). 6. Please, be aware that the primary use of the parking lot is for the hotel guest parking and be courteous as well as judicious in your use of the lot. 7. The Strathcona Hotel is not responsible for any person, their vehicle or the contents of vehicles while parked in the lot. 8. If your vehicle is towed from this lot it is your responsibility to deal directly in that matter with the towing company. It is not the Strathcona Hotel’s responsibility to resolve any issues regarding the towing of your vehicle, regardless of the reason for towing - including but not limited to the correct displaying of a valid permit. 9. Pass must be displayed in the lower driver’s side window of your vehicle. If this pass is not clearly displayed in the correct area of the window your car may be towed at your expense.Do You Agree To The Above Terms?(Required) Yes No CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.